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Daily Archives: April 27, 2005

Depository Librarians Face Escalating Challenges

From Federal Computer Week, this article reviews the challenges faced by federal depository librarians as they seek to ensure continued public access to a range of government documents in the face of budget cuts, the increasing migration of print publications to electronic format, and administrative directives which have resulted in mixed signals about future directions and initiatives.

From ID Theft to Gadget Theft

Theft of high-end gadgets such as iPods have recently been the subject of articles in major papers, including this April 28 New York Times article and this Washington Post (reg. req’d) article, from April 16. These thefts have in turn spawned products and services to assist consumers in the recovery or replacement of their items,… Continue Reading

Intelligence Cmte. Hearing on PATRIOT Act

U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence, hearing on USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, April 27, 2005. Statements of Alberto R. Gonzales, Attorney General of the United States and Robert S. Mueller, III, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Porter J. Goss Director, Central Intelligence Agency ACLU Says Excessive Secrecy Surrounds Controversial Patriot Act; Calls on Senate… Continue Reading