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Daily Archives: April 20, 2005

NY AG Proposes Range of Legislative Initiatives to Protect Consumers Against ID Theft

Press release, April 1, 2005: Spitzer Calls for Regulation of Information Brokers and Increased Penalties for Computer Hacking. Note – links to the text of the proposed legislation, in PDF, are available via this press release, and highlights include the following: Providing identity theft victims better control over their personal identifying information, including: allowing for… Continue Reading

DHS IT Infrastructure Requires Significant Improvement According to GAO

Homeland Security: Overview of Department of Homeland Security Management Challenges, GAO-05-573T, April 20, 2005. Highlights. “..DHS’s transformation remains a high-risk area. DHS faces a number of management challenges to improve its ability to carry out its homeland security missions. Among these challenges are providing focus for management efforts; monitoring transformation and integration; improving strategic planning;… Continue Reading

Supreme Court Justice Kennedy in the Headlines

DeLay Outlines Strategy Against Federal Judges: “Representative Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, sharply criticized Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the Supreme Court on Tuesday and said the House Judiciary Committee would explore what the authors of the Constitution intended when they said federal judges hold their post on the basis of good behavior.” Related… Continue Reading