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Daily Archives: April 18, 2005

Database Provider Begins Informing Individuals Impacted by Data Breach

Press release today: “LexisNexis U.S., a leading provider of legal, news and business information said today it has begun mailing notification letters to approximately 280,000 individuals whose personally identifying information may have been accessed by unauthorized individuals using passwords and IDs stolen from legitimate customers of its Seisint unit.”

  • Related references here and here.
  • GAO Identifies Personal Data Security Issues at IRS

    Information Security: Internal Revenue Service Needs to Remedy Serious Weaknesses over Taxpayer and Bank Secrecy Act Data, GAO-05-482, April 15, 2005. Highlights. “…39 newly identified information security control weaknesses impair IRS’s ability to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its sensitive financial and taxpayer data and FinCEN’s Bank Secrecy Act data. Related reference: Press… Continue Reading

    Bye Bye Matrix

    The Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information EXchange (MATRIX), “a pilot effort to increase and enhance the exchange of sensitive terrorism and other criminal activity information between local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies,” has been cancelled. From the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, this April 15, 2005 press release: MATRIX Pilot Project Concludes From the NewStandard: Controversial… Continue Reading