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Daily Archives: April 13, 2005

North Dakota Bill Addresses Black Box Privacy Issues

This April 11 article, North Dakota Legislature Agrees on ‘black boxes’ Bill discusses SB 2200, which provides consumer privacy protections related to recording devices on motor vehicles by stipulating procedures related to the collection and dissemination of data on vehicle location, speed, braking, seat belt status, and accident related information.
Related news and references:

  • North Dakota, 10 other states debate privacy safeguards on vehicle black boxes
  • beSpacific postings on vehicle black boxes
  • Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 1001 of the USA PATRIOT Act

    Report to Congress on Implementation of Section 1001 of the USA PATRIOT Act (as required by Section 1001(3) of Public Law 107-56), March 2005, Office of the Inspector General. “Section 1001 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Patriot Act), Public Law 107-56, directs the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in the U.S. Department of Justice… Continue Reading

    Hearing Examines Security Breaches of Database Aggregator and Ramifications for Victims

    Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, “Securing Electronic Personal Data: Striking a Balance Between Privacy and Commercial and Governmental Use,” April 13, 2005 Links to the text of available testimony (from ChoicePoint, Acxiom, as well as the FTC, CDT, and member statements. [Note: the text of testimony by LexisNexis is not currently online] Related news: Data… Continue Reading

    CA AG and FTC Seek TRO Against Spammer

    Press release: Attorney General Lockyer Goes to Court to Shut Down Major California-Based Spam Operation – Action Comes In First-Ever Enforcement Collaboration With Federal Trade Commission, April 13, 2005. “Attorney General Bill Lockyer today will ask a federal court to shut down a major California-based spam operation that has bombarded people across the country with… Continue Reading

    Sen. Feinstein Introduces Notification of Risk to Personal Data Act

    S. 751, A bill to require federal agencies, and persons engaged in interstate commerce, in possession of data containing personal information, to disclose any unauthorized acquisition of such information, introduced April 11, 2005. Press release from Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California: “Just yesterday, I introduced a stronger version of legislation that would help people to… Continue Reading

    Sen. Schumer Introduces New ID Theft Prevention Legislation

    Press release, April 12: Recent Examples of Egregious Loopholes That Are Compromising Personal Information Need Immediate and Thorough Action by Congress – Schumer-Nelson Bill Would Empower FTC, Inform Consumer to Prevent ID Theft in Future, Not Just Punish Wrongdoers after the Fact “On the heels of numerous and significant identity theft breaches, U.S. Senators Charles… Continue Reading

    Commentary Proposes Ways to Regulate Internet Related Activity

    The Promise of Internet Intermediary Liability, by Ronald J. Mann and Seth R. Belzley, William and Mary Law Review, Vol. 47, October 2005. “This Essay starts from the realist assumption that government regulation of the internet is inevitable. Thus, instead of focusing on the naïve question of whether the internet should be regulated, it discusses… Continue Reading