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Daily Archives: April 12, 2005

State, Federal, Local, Private Institutions Get Dinged for Abridging Free Speech

THE 2005 JEFFERSON MUZZLES ARE HERE! – “For 14 years the Thomas Jefferson Center has celebrated the April birth date of our namesake by awarding the Jefferson Muzzles to those who in the past year forgot Mr. Jefferson’s admonition that freedom of speech cannot be limited without being lost. Who committed some of the more egregious and ridiculous acts of censorship last year?” [thanks Gloria]

Bloggers Brief in Apple v. Does Case

From EFF, Bloggers Speak Up in Apple Case: “Groups working to protect journalists’ press freedoms, the creator of a blog-search tool, weblog publishers, and more than a dozen individual online journalist/bloggers filed a friend-of-the-court brief (PDF) [April 11] in Apple v. Does — the case in which Apple Computer is seeking to unmask online journalists’… Continue Reading

Renewed Calls To Define Policies for Consumer Notification of ID Theft

“CDT will testify (text of statement submitted by CDT Exec. Director, 17 pages, PDF) April 13 before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the privacy and security issues raised by recent losses of personal information by data brokers and others. CDT will call for a stronger policy framework, requiring notice of breach, security safeguards, limits on… Continue Reading

LexisNexis Security Breach Impacts Significantly Larger Group Than Previously Reported

Press release: LexisNexis Concludes Review of Data Search Activity, Identifying Additional Instances of Illegal Data Access: “In addition to the 30,000 individuals already notified, LexisNexis will begin notifying approximately 280,000 additional individuals whose information may have been acquired during these recently identified incidents. LexisNexis will offer free support services to individuals who receive the notification,… Continue Reading