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Monthly Archives: March 2005

Gov’t Sponsored Project Offers Expert Virtual Reference Services

Get Assistance from a Federal Depository Librarian: Government Information Online Pilot Project “U.S. Government agencies provide information on a wide variety of topics, from nutrition and health care to gardening and saving money on your electric bill. Other topics include laws and regulations, statistics, international affairs, public safety, and more. If a government agency does… Continue Reading

Public Remains Concerned With Privacy and Patriot Act

At a presentation today titled, “They Want Your Secrets: Personal Information Privacy in the Post-9/11 World, during the Emerging Issues in National and International Security conference, Valerie Caproni, General Counsel of the FBI stated in reference to issues concerning Section 215 of the Patriot Act, “We don’t like the fact that librarians are upset…While their… Continue Reading

Sensitive But Unclassified Gov Docs Released by Sen. Levin

Press release yesterday: “Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., today released previously withheld portions of an FBI document critical of interrogation practices used by the Department of Defense (DOD) at Guantanamo Bay in 2002, disclosing information in that document previously withheld by the Department of Justice (DOJ). In a letter to DOJ on February 10, 2005, Levin… Continue Reading

Another Antispyware Bill Introduced Today

Press release: “U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) today announced the introduction of legislation to prohibit a variety of surreptitious practices that result in spyware, adware and other unwanted software being placed on consumers’ computers. The bipartisan SPYBLOCK (Software Principles Yielding Better Levels of Consumer Knowledge) Act, introduced with Senator Conrad Burns (R-Mont.), would prohibit the… Continue Reading

Free Credit Report Website Unblocked

As previously documented, there has been an ongoing controversy associated with website blocking of links to free annual credit reports, resulting in the requirement that users had to actually type the requisite URL into their respective browsers. Today EPIC reported that due to the efforts of advocacy groups and the support of Congressman Barney Frank,… Continue Reading

CDC Study Indicates Country Lags on E-Health Records

Press release: New Study Shows Limited Use of Electronic Medical Records: “Less than a third of the nation’s hospital emergency and outpatient departments use electronic medical records, and even fewer doctors’ offices do, according to a report released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…The use of electronic records in health care… Continue Reading

“Enterprise Blogs” Make Their Mark

As a follow-up to my recent posting about Dennis Hamilton’s new article, Internal Blogs: So, Are They Different From External Blogs?, I suggested the monikers enterpriselogs, enterlogs, or even enterpriseblogs to describe blogs behind the corporate firewall. MrDave’s Blog! has a related posting I recommend, IntraBlog – the next wave?. Other suggestions welcome! [thanks Claudia] Continue Reading