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Monthly Archives: March 2005

California Bill to Prohibit State Issued IDs With RFID Tags

SB 682, introduced 2/22/2005 by Senator Simitian: The act would prohibit identity documents (including library cards) created, mandated, or issued by various public entities from containing a contactless integrated circuit or other device that can broadcast personal information or enable personal information to be scanned remotely. Related references: Smartcard Industry Report Compares Technology With RFID… Continue Reading

New Bill Targets Growing Threats: Phishing and Pharming

Press release today from Sen. Patrick Leahy, co-founder and co-chairman of the Senate Internet Caucus, on the introduction of the Anti-Phishing Act of 2005 (S. 472). The release “includes the Senate Floor speech of Sen. Patrick Leahy introducing his bill to explicitly target Internet “phishing,” and “pharming” with new federal criminal penalties, and a fact… Continue Reading

Public Access to Unclassified Data Blocked By Unnecessary Restrictions

From the Government Reform Committee, Minority Office: “Evidence of Administration’s Misuse of New Information Restrictions Grows – In a letter calling for a congressional investigation, Rep. Waxman provides examples of how proliferating information designations such as “sensitive but unclassified” have been used to block the release of important government records.” Letter to Chairman Shays Continue Reading