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Monthly Archives: March 2005

Ramifications of Database ID Theft Scam Intensify

Over the past two days, significant primary and secondary information associated with the ChoicePoint ID theft scam has become available. Please see the following sources, which appear in chronological order: SEC probing ChoicePoint stock sales Rep. Markey Press Conference Statement Introducing the “Information Protection and Security Act” (S. 500 and H.R. 1080): “In the emerging… Continue Reading

Privacy Group Advises Against Ordering Free Credit Reports Online

As the citizens of additional states join the list of those eligable for free credit reports, problems associated with this program have been noted. The World Privacy Forum recently issued an extensive report documenting fraudulent activities that are complicating consumer access to the reports. In addition, the group reviews how use of the legitimate sites… Continue Reading

Will Websites and Blogs Be Restricted On Campaign Related Endorsements

From Polical Money Line, Corporate Websites Get Scrutiny: “The Federal Election Commission acknowledged last week that it determined it is a violation to post a federal candidate’s endorsement and picture on a corporate website when it is not paid for by the corporation’s PAC or limited to in-house access.” Declan McCullagh interviewed Bradley Smith about… Continue Reading

A Practical Guide to Managing E-Mail Overload

Stever Robbins offers advice on how to author effective, efficient, and focused business email messages. He also recommends how to read and respond to email. Thoughtful, well constructed and brief responses, which you have taken time to consider before hitting the “send” key, will increase the value of this communications tool. And don’t forget that… Continue Reading

Witnesses Assess Government Overclassification of Documents

Emerging Threats: Overclassification and Pseudo-classification, a hearing held on March 2, 2005. “The purpose of this hearing is to examine the proliferation of categories of information that are not classified but are withheld from public disclosure.” [Link (PDF) to Briefing Memo for March 2 Hearing on Classification] Opening Statement of Chairman Shays Links to testimony… Continue Reading

Symantec Granted Patent on Technology to Detect Viruses

Press release: “Symantec has been granted U.S. patent number 6,851,057 for a system that enables the detection of complex viruses, worms, and spyware. The technology, “data driven detection of viruses,” is employed throughout Symantec’s portfolio of industry-leading information security solutions at the desktop, server, and gateway for both consumers and enterprises.” Continue Reading

Hearing on Overclassification of Government Documents

Emerging Threats: Overclassification and Psuedo-Classification, House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, March 2, 2005. Related resources: Shays Holds Hearing on Overclassification: “Last year, more federal officials classified more information, and declassified less, than the year before. In our previous hearing on official secrecy policies, the Department of… Continue Reading

New York Public Library Launches Comprehensive Collection of Images Online

Press release: Free Online Collection of 275,000 Images from World-Renowned New York Public Library Launches March 3 “A large, rich treasury of images (including Civil War photographs, illuminated manuscripts, Japanese prints, New York City views, and early American maps) from the collections of The New York Public Library will be accessible free of charge over… Continue Reading