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Daily Archives: March 17, 2005

Westlaw Announces Restricted Access to Personal Data

Press release today:Westlaw Ends SSN Sales to Private Companies, Greatly Limits Sale to Law Enforcement, Other Public Agencies:

  • “After meeting with top executives last night, Sen. Charles Schumer (NY) announced today that Westlaw would be taking major steps to close large loopholes in its data search systems which previously allowed access to millions of Social Security numbers and other personal information…Westlaw informed Sen. Schumer that:
    · 85% of those who had access to Social Security numbers on Westlaw’s database do not anymore.
    · No corporate clients have access to Social Security numbers anymore.
    · Eliminated government clients’ access for full Soc. Sec. numbers, including the U.S. Senate, and are working to restrict access to non-law enforcement personnel at other government agencies.
    · Will not sign new contracts that would allow full access to Soc. Sec. numbers.
    · Individuals who still have access will be screened by Westlaw, and are working towards individualized password access for those who have been screened.”