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Daily Archives: March 16, 2005

New on

  • Internal Blogs: So, Are They Different From External Blogs? by Dennis Hamilton
  • Notes from the Technology Trenches: Advisen: A Unique Approach to Business Background Information, by Cindy Carlson
  • The Government Domain: Under Development, by Peggy Garvin
  • Software Rundown: Adobe Acrobat 7.0; ZoneAlarm Security Suite 5.5; Diskeeper 9 and Norton SystemWorks 2005, by Brett Burney
  • Law Firm Marketing: Interview with Carmen Delessio – CTO, Internet Services Division, Harris Publishing, by Andy Havens
  • After Hours: Checking the Oil, by Kathy Biehl
  • Bookstore – Review the two dozen new entries on topics that include: the decline of news reporting, open government, publishing blogs, email rules, ID theft, finding government information, electronic surveillance, and of course…food
  • Controversy Surrounds Government Sponsored News

    White House Defends Video News Releases Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News Related reference: GAO Report: Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)–Video News Release, B-303495, January 4, 2005: “By its own records, ONDCP’s prepackaged news stories reached more than 22 million households, without disclosing to any of those viewers — the… Continue Reading

    More FOIA Resources for Sunshine Week

    Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security hearing, Openness in Government and Freedom of Information: Examining the OPEN Government Act of 2005, March 15, 2005. Includes links to testimony and member statements (HTML format) Sen. John Cornyn’s (R–Texas) speech on bipartisan bill to promote openness in government Arbiter would ease FOIA disputes, experts say ‘Strange… Continue Reading

    FOIA Letter Regarding Exclusion of Foreign Nationals

    Press release: “ACLU Seeks Records on Use of Patriot Act to Deny U.S. Entry to Prominent Foreign Scholars – Citing a serious and growing threat to academic freedom, the American Civil Liberties Union today filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records concerning the government’s practice of excluding scholars and other prominent individuals… Continue Reading