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Daily Archives: March 15, 2005

LexisNexis Launches Privacy Facts Website

“LexisNexis has created a Web site with helpful information regarding data privacy at”

  • Related news: Kurt Sanford, President and CEO of LexisNexis Corporate and Federal Markets stated during his testimony today to the House Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection Committee that: “LexisNexis plans to further restrict access to such sensitive information as SSNs [social security numbers] and DLNs [drivers license numbers], by extending the more restrictive SSN truncation policy currently in place for LexisNexis to its recently acquired Seisint business and by adding a policy to include the masking of DLNs. These steps are part of the on-going review that LexisNexis has been conducting on security practices, authorization and verification procedures and privacy policies across its businesses…”
  • See also LexisNexis Reports ID Theft Scam
  • House Hearing on Protecting Consumer’s Data

    Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection hearing today on Protecting Consumer’s Data: Policy Issues Raised by Choice Point. Prepared Testimony (PDF) is available from the following: Deborah Platt Majoras, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission; Kurt P. Sanford , President and CEO, U.S. Corporate and Federal Government Markets, LexisNexis; Derek Smith, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,… Continue Reading

    Digitizing Health Records One Person At A Time

    This Washington Post (reg. req’d) article reviews how individuals are using fee-based services that digitize their personal medical records as a way to manage uniform access to them in the event of medical emergencies and to facilitate the process of diagnostic evaluations. This may forecast a near term future of non-standard applications that fill the… Continue Reading

    Report on the State of the American News Media

    The Project for Excellence in Journalism has published the State of the News Media 2005 report (navigate the contents of the 500 plus pages via this link) which reviews two distinct categories of media: the first is identified as text-based media, and includes newspapers and Internet news sites; the second is electronic media, inclusive of… Continue Reading