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Monthly Archives: February 2005

Awards Given to 5 Best E-Gov Sites

The 2005 Excellence.Gov Awards, sponsored by the Industry Advisory Council and the Federal CIO Council, announced the five winners today chosen from among a group of 25 finalists. Recognized for implementing best practices and for services for which a high level of end-user satisfaction was recorded were: the e-Training Initiative (Office of Personnel Management); the… Continue Reading

Commentary on Hacking and Online Activism Post 9-11

The media’s portrayal of hacking, hackers, and hacktivism before and after September 11, by Sandor Vegh: “This paper provides a thorough analysis of the mainstream media representation of hackers, hacking, hacktivism, and cyberterrorism. The intensified U.S. debate on the security of cyberspace after September 11, 2001, has negatively influenced the movement of online political activism,… Continue Reading

USPTO Initiative to Stop Piracy

“The Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy (STOP!) is the most comprehensive initiative ever advanced to smash the criminal networks that traffic in fakes, stop trade in pirated and counterfeit goods at America’s borders, block bogus goods around the world, and help small businesses secure and enforce their rights in overseas markets.” [Link] See also the USPTO… Continue Reading

National Consumer Protection Week

From the FTC press release: “The Federal Trade Commission has launched the seventh annual National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), February 6-12, 2005, in cooperation with federal, state and local agencies, and national advocacy organizations committed to consumer protection and education. This year’s theme, “Identity Theft: When Fact Becomes Fiction,” focuses on minimizing the risk of… Continue Reading

FCC Publishes List of Domains To Protect Cell Phones From Spam

FCC press release: “On February 7, with the cooperation of wireless carriers, the Commission published on its Web site a list of mail domain names used to send messages to wireless service. This list is to protect cellular and wireless consumers from unwanted commercial electronic mail messages by alerting marketers to which Internet domain names… Continue Reading

Army Reponds to Issue of FOIA Requests for Detainee Info

Press release: “The Army continued its effort to keep the public informed concerning detainee operations by releasing its sixth set of documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The release contains 77 cases that have been previously released to the American Civil Liberties Union. The documents were mailed to the requesting media organizations on… Continue Reading