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Monthly Archives: February 2005

Controversial Clarke Memo on al-Qaeda Posted Online

Press release: “The National Security Archive today posted the widely-debated, but previously unavailable, January 25, 2001, memo from counterterrorism coordinator Richard Clarke to national security advisor Condoleezza Rice – the first terrorism strategy paper of the Bush administration. The document was central to debates in the 9/11 hearings over the Bush administration’s policies and actions… Continue Reading

Previously Unreleased Gov Docs on Budget Reveal Cuts

Unpublished Administration Budget Documents Show Domestic Cuts Would Significantly Reduce Funding For Most Public Services: “The budget the Administration has released shows cuts in discretionary programs only for 2006. This analysis uses back-up materials OMB has provided Congress to show the size of the discretionary program cuts by program area over the next five years;… Continue Reading

New ID Theft Survey Warns About Offline Dangers

“This report (19 pages, PDF) provides a detailed, comprehensive analysis of identity fraud in the United States, in order to better understand methods for prevention, detection and resolution. Co-released by Javelin Strategy & Research and the Better Business Bureau, this report is issued as a longitudinal update to the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) 2003 Identity… Continue Reading

Wikipedia In Discussions With Google

Announcement from WikiMedia: “Google Inc. has made a proposal to host some of the content of the Wikimedia projects. The terms of the offer are currently being discussed by the board. The developer committee has been informed of some of the details via email. A private IRC meeting with Google is planned for March, 2005.… Continue Reading

Controversy Surrounds Real ID Act

Press release: Sensenbrenner Introduces Terrorist Travel Legislation – Real ID Act Includes Provisions Dropped from 9/11 Legislation PFAW Opposes REAL ID Act H.R. 418: To establish and rapidly implement regulations for State driver’s license and identification. To establish and rapidly implement regulations for State driver’s license and identification document security standards, to prevent terrorists from… Continue Reading

New Report From IBM Predicts Increased Attacks on Wireless Devices

Press release: “Today IBM announced the results from its 2004 Global Business Security Index Report and provided an early look at potential security threats in 2005. Based on early indicators, a new and troubling trend this year may be the aggressive spread of viruses and worms to handheld devices, cell phones, wireless networks, and embedded… Continue Reading