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Monthly Archives: February 2005

FTC and Global Consumer Protection Agencies Launch ADR Directory

From the FTC press release today: “The Federal Trade Commission and consumer protection agencies around the world have created a valuable new tool to help consumers resolve cross-border disputes. The International Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Directory contains contact information for dispute resolution service providers that can help consumers resolve problems with foreign sellers, regardless of… Continue Reading

Reasonable Notice and Search Act

S. 316: A bill to limit authority to delay notice of search warrants (By Sen. Russell Feingold [D-WI]) Introduced Feb 8, 2005. Related references: “The Reasonable Notice and Search Act revises the Patriot Act authority to delay notice of the execution of search warrants – so-called “sneak and peak” provisions – and requires the Attorney… Continue Reading

Library, Bookseller, and Personal Records Privacy Act

S. 317: A bill to protect privacy by limiting the access of the Government to library, bookseller, and other personal records for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes. Introduced (By Sen. Russell Feingold [D-WI]), Feb 8, 2005. Related reference: Feingold Introduces Bills To Protect Civil Liberties – “The Library, Bookseller and Personal Records Privacy Act will… Continue Reading

House Members Call For Hearings on Delayed Release of 9/11 Info

Reps. Waxman and Maloney ask for hearings on whether political considerations caused the Administration to delay release of findings by the 9/11 Commission about pre-attack warnings: “We are writing to request that our Committee hold hearings to investigate two extremely serious questions raised by an article that appeared in this morning’s New York Times. The… Continue Reading

Free Flow of Information Act of 2005

H.R. 581: To maintain the free flow of information to the public by providing conditions for the federally compelled disclosure of information by certain persons connected with the news media. Introduced by Rep. Mike Pence, Feb 2, 2005. Note: Rep. Pense has a blog. Related reference: Fees for FOI Request to DOJ Could Top $400,000… Continue Reading

Real ID Act Passes House By Wide Margin

As a follow-up to my February 9 posting, Controversy Surrounds Real ID Act, yesterday evening the House passed the bill (96% of Republicans supporting, 78% of Democrats opposing), which “Prohibits Federal agencies from accepting State issued driver’s licenses or identification cards unless such documents are determined by the Secretary to meet minimum security requirements.” These… Continue Reading