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Daily Archives: February 24, 2005

Privacy and E-Health Records

Press release: “U.S. adults are divided right down the middle on whether the potential privacy risks associated with a patient electronic medical record system outweigh the expected benefits to patients and society, according to Dr. Alan F. Westin, Professor of Public Law & Government Emeritus, Columbia University and Director of a new Program on Information… Continue Reading

DHS Privacy Advisory Committee

Press release: Department of Homeland Security Announces Appointments to Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee “The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced the appointment of twenty members to the Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee (DHS Privacy Advisory Committee). This newest federal advisory committee to DHS was established to provide external expert advice to… Continue Reading

Revised Consumer Protection Laws Guide from OCC

From the Comptroller of the Currency: Other Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations (139 pages, PDF), a revision of a booklet in the Comptroller’s Handbook for Consumer Compliance, updates interagency examination procedures for such laws and regulations as the Homeowners Protection Act, the Consumer Leasing Act, the “Disclosure and Reporting of CRA-Related Agreements,” and the “Prohibition… Continue Reading

ID Theft Scam Continues to Generate Controversy

AP reports that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, prompted by colleagues’ requests, has agreed to hold hearings on ID theft and possible regulation of the sale of personal data collected on American citizens. Also from AP, Tips for protecting your identity From “ChoicePoint’s error sparks talk of ID theft law – The company… Continue Reading

Bush and Clinton Presidential Documents Released For Public Review

Clinton Library Opens Presidential Papers for Research: “The William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum…announced that it is making over 100,000 pages of Clinton presidential records available for research. They represent the first public release of Clinton presidential records since the end of the Clinton Administration.” From the George Bush Presidential Library: Information on release… Continue Reading