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Daily Archives: February 22, 2005

Interview Details GM’s Take On Blogs, RSS and Podcasting

From NeOn, An open conversation with Michael Wiley, Director New Media, GM Communications about: “GM FastLane Blog, GM’s experiments with podcasting and GM’s plans for further developments with communication channels like blogs, podcasting and RSS.”

  • “We’re big into getting feedback from our customers, employees and others, taking their comments to become a better company and develop better products.”
  • Historic Cyberspace Library Up for Auction

    “On February 23, 2005, Christie’s in New York will sell Jeremy’s Origins of Cyberspace Library. This library on the history of computing, networking, and telecommunications documents the scientific and technological foundations of the Internet. What makes the Origins of Cyberspace so special is that it goes to the very beginning of the developments that led… Continue Reading

    Smartcard Industry Report Compares Technology With RFID

    RFID Tags and Contactless Smart Card Technology: Comparing and Contrasting Applications and Capabilities See also this chart comparing the features and applications of RFID tags and contactless smart cards. Related resources: From the EU: “On January 19th, the Working Party 29 adopted a Working Document on data protection issues related to RFID technology (Working document… Continue Reading

    DOJ Reverses Stance on Classification of Congressional Briefings

    From the Project on Government Oversight, this press release today: Justice Department Caves In: Allows Publication of Retroactively Classified Information. ” “A hearing scheduled for this morning before U.S. District Judge John D. Bates was abruptly cancelled after the Justice Department gave up and admitted that the information it had retroactively classified could be released… Continue Reading

    Survey Reports Corporate Underutilization of Competitive Intelligence

    Press release: U.S. Corporations Misuse or Underuse Competitive Intelligence, Outward Insights Survey Shows: “A majority of U.S. based companies that claim to use competitive intelligence (CI) to guide their decision-making processes either don’t use intelligence enough or use it the wrong way. This excludes nearly 30% of companies that don’t even have, or don’t feel… Continue Reading