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Daily Archives: February 21, 2005

Google’s Library Digitization Plan Causes Uproar in France

France’s national library has raised a “war cry” over plans by Google to put books from some of the world’s great libraries on the internet.

  • Related references: Google defies Europe, by Jean-Noel Jeanneney, Director of the National Library of France, Le Monde, 22.01.05 and this commentary on and translation of the aforementioned article.
  • Commentary on P2P, Digital Rights and Copyright Infringement

    From the Cato Institute, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Digital Rights Management: How Market Tools Can Solve Copyright Problems, February 17, 2005: “This study argues that the basic functions of DRM and P2P can be quite complementary and that innovative market mechanisms that can help alleviate many copyright concerns are currently blossoming. Government should protect the copyrights… Continue Reading

    Credit Freezes Proposed Deterent to ID Theft

    By Chris Jay Hoofnagle, associate director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Putting Identity Theft on Ice: Freezing Credit Reports to Prevent Lending to Impostors. “This article argues that the third actor, credit granting institutions, are culpable for a large number of identity theft cases. Institutions enable identity theft by maintaining lax credit granting practices,… Continue Reading

    ID Theft Scam Has Victims in 50 States and DC

    From the Washington Post, ID Theft Scam Hits D.C. Area Residents From ChoicePoint: Update on Identity Fraud Notification, 02/21/2005. This announcement includes a chart with a state-by-state accounting of the current number of victims of this scam, addresses the company’s plan to participate in the investigation of the fraud, and its plans to “guard against… Continue Reading