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Daily Archives: February 20, 2005

Resources to Determine What Personal Info Is Maintained On You By Database Aggregator

From the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse: The ChoicePoint Data Security Breach: What It Means for You, and How to Find Out What ChoicePoint Knows about You
Related resources:

  • No Place to Hide, Behind the Scenes of Our Emerging Surveillance Society by Robert O’Harrow
  • See also these related beSpacific postings, Online Interview With Author of New Book on Surveillance Society and Washington Post Examines Data Aggregator ChoicePoint
  • High Profile ID Theft Case May Spark Regulatory Ramifications

    From today’s Atlanta Journal Constitution, Checklist failed ChoicePoint: “Identity theft fallout may include litigation, access limits.” From the WSJ, via, ID fraud triggers scrutiny: Industry could face new rules following reported theft of personal data of up to 400,000 people. From AP, 38 AGs send open letter to ChoicePoint . See also the initial… Continue Reading