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Daily Archives: February 7, 2005

Advocacy Group Releases New Privacy Tool for System Administrators

From the EFF press release: “Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released logfinder, a software tool to help people reduce the unnecessary collection of personal information about computer users…Such data tells a lot about a user’s browsing and email habits and…must be turned over to government entities with court orders and can be subpoenaed by… Continue Reading

Industry Group Formed to Promote VoIP Security

VoIP Leaders Form Alliance for VoIP Security Research and Testing: “The industry’s first Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Security Alliance was launched today in conjunction with leading VoIP vendors, providers, security researchers, and thought leaders to discover and reduce VoIP security risks. A complete list of members can be accessed at” Continue Reading

Report Warns of Problems for Municipality Sponsored WiFi

From the New Millennium Research Council, Washington, D.C., a report co-authored by six telecom experts, ‘Not In The Public Interest – the Myth of Municipal Wi-Fi Networks’ – Why Municipal Schemes to Provide Wi-Fi Broadband Service With Public Funds Are Ill-Advised, February 2005. (40 pages, PDF) “Many American cities and towns are now considering municipal… Continue Reading