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Daily Archives: February 4, 2005

Woodward and Bernstein Watergate Papers Now Available to Public

From the Ranson Center, University of Texas at Austin, “Now available to the public for the first time are Woodward and Bernstein’s notes from source interviews, drafts of newspaper stories and books, memos, letters, tape recordings, research materials, and other Watergate papers… Purchased by The University of Texas at Austin in 2003, the Woodward and Bernstein Watergate Papers provide students, scholars, and other researchers a unique resource for behind the scenes insight into the journalism, politics, and humanity of Watergate…A full description of all the Woodward and Bernstein papers available at the Ransom Center is provided in the online finding aid.

FBI’s Virtual Case System Focus of Continued Scrutiny

As a follow-up to my January 14, 2005 posting, FBI’s Custom Database Project On Verge of Failure, additional documentation and news on the issue: February 3, 2005 – Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary, Hearing on the FBI’s Information Technology Modernization Program, Trilogy: Testimony of Robert S. Mueller, III,… Continue Reading

Questions Raised About Pentagon Website Content Created for Overseas Audience

CNN reports on possible conflicts regarding content guidelines and Department of Defense maintained websites targeted to a global readership, which also happen to be the focus of a review by the DoD OIG. Related news: White House-friendly reporter under scrutiny and Education Dept. paid commentator to promote law, and from the Baltimore Sune, Pentagon probes… Continue Reading

CDC Public Health Law Resources

26 Readings in Public Health Law: “Each week for 26 weeks…we will post a short introductory description and a link to selected readings in public health law, including cases, law review articles, book chapters, and other materials. The readings are designed to provide a foundation for understanding public health law.” [thanks to Mike Ravnitzky] Also… Continue Reading