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Daily Archives: January 28, 2005

E-Voting Manufacturer Announces Availability of Paper Trail

Press release: Diebold Election Systems Submits Voter-Verifiable Paper Audit Trail Printer for Federal Qualification – “Diebold Election Systems has completed design of a paper-based, voter-verifiable printer module that has been submitted for federal system qualification. The module enables a voter to print out, review and verify candidate selections made on a Diebold touch screen voting… Continue Reading

GAO Review of Do Not Call Registry

Telemarketing: Implementation of the National Do-Not-Call Registry GAO-05-113, January 28, 2005, Highlights. “The Conference Report for the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004, mandated that GAO evaluate the implementation of the national registry. Specifically, this report addresses (1) how FTC and FCC have implemented and operated the national registry, (2) fees collected to cover costs to operate… Continue Reading