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Daily Archives: January 27, 2005

Copyright Offices Seeks Comments on “Orphan Works”

SUMMARY: “The Copyright Office seeks to examine the issues raised by “orphan works,” i.e., copyrighted works whose owners are difficult or even impossible to locate. Concerns have been raised that the uncertainty surrounding ownership of such works might needlessly discourage subsequent creators and users from incorporating such works in new creative efforts or making such works available to the public. This notice requests written comments from all interested parties. Specifically, the Office is seeking comments on whether there are compelling concerns raised by orphan works that merit a legislative, regulatory or other solution, and what type of solution could effectively address these concerns without conflicting with the legitimate interests of authors and right holders.” [Federal Register, January 26, 2005…thanks Heidi]

  • See also this Copyright Office webpage on Orphan Works.
  • EPA Removes Data From Website to Evaluate Accuracy

    From OMB Watch: “The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has removed one database from its public website and slightly altered another due to a Data Quality Act (DQA) challenge submitted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber submitted the request May 26, 2004, asserting that physical and chemical property information in several EPA databases was… Continue Reading Now Offers People Search

    Press release: “… announced the addition of “People Search” to its core business search capabilities. “People Search” allows business professionals to easily locate and learn about sales prospects, potential business partners, and job candidates on the Web by searching summaries of 24 million business people via a database… (that) continually scans millions of corporate websites,… Continue Reading

    Amazon’s Yellow Pages Equipped With Millions of Images From Cities Across America

    New from Amazon’s Search – Yellow Pages on “Using trucks equipped with digital cameras, global positioning system (GPS) receivers, and proprietary software and hardware, drove tens of thousands of miles capturing images and matching them with businesses and the way they look from the street.” Web Yellow Page Search Gets Image Boost:… Continue Reading

    Call for Oversight on GPO Initiatives

    From the American Library Association Washington Office Newsline: (proposed changes effective October 1, 2005) “…GPO would produce and distribute in print only the 50 titles listed on the Essential Titles for Public Use in Paper Format. The Essential Titles list, last revised in 2000, does not include important materials including maps, geological information, administrative decisions… Continue Reading

    Updated CRS Report on Spyware and Privacy

    CRS Report – Spyware: Background and Policy Issues for Congress, Updated December 22, 2004. “Internet privacy issues encompass concerns about the collection of personally identifiable information (PII) from visitors to government and commercial websites, as well as debate over law enforcement or employer monitoring of electronic mail and Web usage. This report discusses Internet privacy… Continue Reading