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Daily Archives: January 26, 2005

Report on ID Theft Points to Greater Offline Threat

New Research Shows That Identity Theft Is More Prevalent Offline with Paper than Online:

  • “The 2005 Identity Fraud Survey Report – released by the Better Business Bureau and Javelin Strategy & Research as an update of the Federal Trade Commission’s 2003 Identity Theft Survey Report and Javelin’s 2003 Identity Theft Report – shows that despite growing fears about identity theft and online fraud, of the victims that know the identity and method used by the criminal, these crimes are more frequently committed offline than online. Internet-related fraud problems are actually less severe, less costly and not as widespread as previously thought.”
  • State Legislators’ Financial Disclosure Filings Online

    “Ever wonder what outside financial interests a legislator in your state might have? Now you can find out with a couple of clicks of your mouse. Putting the country’s government ethics laws to work, the Center for Public Integrity …made thousands of state legislators’ outside interest disclosure filings available to online users. Researchers at the… Continue Reading

    Advocacy Group Asks New Congress for Privacy Protection and Action Against Spyware

    “Testifying at the year’s first hearing of the House Commerce Committee, CDT reiterated that baseline privacy legislation was the best way to deal with the snowballing spyware epidemic and head off further threats to online privacy. CDT also highlighted the growing problem of affiliate networking, and called for stepped up enforcement against spyware purveyors and… Continue Reading

    Musicians and Industry File Briefs in P2P File Sharing Case

    From Internet News – Hollywood: P2P is Not About Technology: “The entertainment industry urged the U.S. Supreme Court Monday afternoon not to give the companies developing peer-to-peer (P2P) music file swapping software a “perpetual free pass” to engage in “mind-boggling” copyright infringement. In a 67-page brief filed in advance of the March 29 Supreme Court… Continue Reading