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Daily Archives: January 24, 2005

Interactive Copyright Guide for Faculty

“Baruch College, a senior college within The City University of New York, and Kognito Solutions LLC today announced the release of a free interactive guide to help faculty determine the appropriate copyright guidelines they must follow when using different types of copyrighted media in their courses. Structured as a subway map, the interactive guide asks faculty a series of questions related to the nature of the copyrighted works they want to use and the methods in which they plan to use them. As each question is answered, the faculty progress through the virtual subway system, learning important copyright rules that apply to their specific situations. At the “final stop,” faculty are provided with a list of guidelines for using the copyrighted media.” [Link]

  • See also the University of Texas Crash Course in Copyright
  • Survey Says Spyware An Increasing Threat to Networks

    Press release: “A poll (686 respondents) conducted by WatchGuard Technologies, Inc…reveals that two-thirds of IT managers and administrators believe spyware will be the number one threat to network security over the next twelve months. Spyware is a growing category of malicious software that installs on a computer without the user’s knowledge and it can secretly… Continue Reading

    Blogs Are Proliferating, RSS Gains Foothold, and Internet News Sites Shine Again

    From PubSub, news that they are tracking over 8 million blogs. This represents a huge increase within the past year in the number of blogs now available. Along with this increased visibility, ethical concerns about blog content. From Radio Userland, the Top 100 Most-Subscribed-To RSS Feeds (the list includes Wired, various sections of the New… Continue Reading

    Digital Medical Records Offer Benefits and Risks

    From Business Week, Between You, The Doctor, And The PC – “More physicians and hospitals are putting their medical records online.” As the digitization of health care records steadily increases, there are consequences for physicians and patients alike. As diagnositic data and patient health records are made available online via hospital intranets, they are vulnerable… Continue Reading

    Pew Survey on Internet Users and Search Engines Yields Contradictory Results

    Press release: “A new nationwide survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that internet users are extremely positive about search engines and the experiences they have when searching the internet. But these same satisfied internet users are generally unsophisticated about why and how they use search engines. They are also strikingly unaware… Continue Reading