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Daily Archives: January 13, 2005

House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff Report on Ohio Voting

Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio. Status Report of the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff, January 5, 2005 (102 pages, PDF):

  • “Representative John Conyers, Jr., the Ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, asked the Democratic staff to conduct an investigation into irregularities reported in the Ohio presidential election and to prepare a Status Report concerning the same prior to the Joint Meeting of Congress scheduled for January 6, 2005, to receive and consider the votes of the
    electoral college for president. The following Report includes a brief chronology of the events; summarizes the relevant background law; provides detailed findings (including factual findings and legal analysis); and describes various recommendations for acting on this Report going forward.”
  • Withdrawal of Documents from GPO Information Dissemination Programs

    “GPO Information Dissemination (ID) has issued a new ID policy, “Withdrawal of Federal Information Products from Information Dissemination Collection and Distribution Programs.” The policy, ID 72, supersedes SOD 72 dated July, 22, 2002. The revised policy establishes conditions under which a document may be withdrawn, recalled, or restricted in access; it outlines GPO and publishing… Continue Reading

    Human Rights Watch World Report 2005

    Press release from Human Rights Watch: “The Human Rights Watch World Report 2005 contains survey information on human rights developments in more than 60 countries in 2004. In addition to the introductory essay on Darfur and Abu Ghraib, the volume contains three essays on broad human rights issues: religion and human rights, sexuality and the… Continue Reading

    Who is Behind Spyware Software?

    Newly published research from Ben Edelman: see Investors Supporting Spyware. He lists US companies who produce spyware, their investors and how much venture funding was provided to each project (along with links to relevant SEC filings). Associated research also from Ben: Media Files that Spread Spyware. Continue Reading