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Daily Archives: January 3, 2005

Blogs Receive Accolades and Criticism From Mainstream Press

Yesterday I posted on recent articles and reports highlighting the expanding profile of blogs. As a follow-up to these accolades, see today’s New York Times article, Myths Run Wild in Blog Tsunami Debate, a critique of the merits and credibility of discussions and data posted on various blogs. In addition, see Jay Rosen’s insightful commentary on the shifting paradigm between what he calls the “legacy media” and open source journalism. And so the worm turns.

GPO Plans to Mine Deep Web Data of Federal Agency Sites

On December 30, 2004, GPO issued an RFP to “procure Web Harvesting Services.” From the Statement of Work: “The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) requires the services of a vendor that can provide a number of different products and/or services related to the discovery, harvesting, and assessment of documents and publications from Web sites using… Continue Reading