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Monthly Archives: December 2004

Survey on Info Overload

From Lois C. Ambash, news of her current project, InfoYou, which “is an instrument for assessing and addressing information overload. Based on many people’s responses, the InfoYou questionnaire is designed to yield personalized information tool kits to help people and organizations tame information overload according to their own styles and preferences for dealing with information.”… Continue Reading

Bush Signs Legislation Establishing Director of National Intelligence

From the National Security Archive: “Today, President Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act, establishing the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and ending the 57-year reign of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) as the nation’s chief intelligence officer. Throughout those 57 years, similar reorganization proposals have emerged from inside and… Continue Reading

Perspectives on Google’s Library Digitization Plan

A thoughtful and provocative commentary on all the hype surrounding Google’s announcement this week, by Michael Gorman, dean of Library Services, California State University, Fresno, and president-elect of the American Library Association, in today’s Los Angeles Times (reg. req’d). See also this related San Francisco Chronicle article, ‘Googleizing’ libraries won’t replace books. In addition, more… Continue Reading

New Online Video and Audio Search Tool

press release: blinkx TV makes hours of TV content fully searchable from your PC What is blinkx TV?: “blinkx TV allows you to search the web for video and audio clips. Unlike other search providers, blinkx TV not only lets you search using standard keyword and Boolean queries but you can also use conceptual search.”… Continue Reading

FTC Issues Final Rule Defining Email Spam

Press release: FTC Issues Final Rule Defining What Constitutes a “Commercial Electronic Mail Message” “The Federal Trade Commission today issued final regulations (81 pages, PDF) to facilitate the determination of whether an e-mail message has a commercial primary purpose and is subject to the provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act. The CAN-SPAM Act, which took effect… Continue Reading

Advocacy Group Seeks FCRA Compliance By Info Brokers

EPIC has requested that the FTC launch an “investigation into data broker products for compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.” EPIC argues specifically that AutoTrackXP and Customer Identification Programs from ChoicePoint “are sold to financial institutions, members of the public (private investigators, law firms, etc.) and to law enforcement agencies. These are the same… Continue Reading