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Monthly Archives: December 2004

Webite of Selected Free, “Clean” Software for Windows Users

“ is a resource to help Windows users find the best free daily-use software, free from nasties: adware, spyware, harmful/intrusive components, and threats to privacy.” (via Slashdot) Versions of the software included are accompanied by red, yellow and green dots indicating the level of reliability. The Full Software Index (updated at the discretion of the… Continue Reading

New Compliance Regs Result in More Secure Networks

From the RedSiren press release: “A new survey of computer security professionals reveals that while many of them believe that the time they need to comply with increased government regulations has cut into their ability to secure their computer networks, they also admit that those networks are safer as a result.” Related references: Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA,… Continue Reading

Useful Comparison Chart of Desktop Search Tools

“Goebel Group, Inc. a leading integrator of search technology products and services…released the first comprehensive matrix detailing and comparing the status of technologies and other features of the industry’s current and future Desktop Search applications… The matrix includes versions and searchable document types of the industries leading Desktop Search Applications…” (including AOL, Autonomy, Ask Jeeves,… Continue Reading

The Growing Impact of Blogs in the Corporate Arena has an extensive article on the slippery slope effect of relying on the “viral” linking aspect of blogs to promote products, as well as highlighting recent examples of the enormous impact of bloggers’ responses to instances of what they perceive as corporate misdeeds and the marketing of faulty products. Related article from the New… Continue Reading

What Your Vehicle’s Black Box Is Reporting

The Christian Science Monitor reports on growing concerns about privacy issues related to vehicle event data recorders (EDRs) or “black boxes” (although they are apparently grey in color). Vehicle manufacturers are currently not subject to uniform standards regarding the data this equipment gathers. However, information collected from the EDRs often plays a prominent role in… Continue Reading

A Look At Desktop Search Tools Still Under Development

James Fallows reviews cutting edge work underway in the area of desktop search applications, with a focus on I.B.M.’s Unstructured Information Management Architecture Project. “An Unstructured Information Management (UIM) application may be generally characterized as a software system that analyzes large volumes of unstructured information (text, audio, video, images, etc.) to discover, organize and deliver… Continue Reading

Best Wishes for the Holiday Season

Thank you for reading beSpacific, and please stay in touch. I am delighted to hear from you about topics of interest, relevant links and resources, tips on new research applications, tools, and techniques, and your comments in general. This has been a challenging and productive year, and I wish you all good health, peace, the… Continue Reading