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Daily Archives: December 17, 2004

Bush Signs Legislation Establishing Director of National Intelligence

From the National Security Archive: “Today, President Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act, establishing the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and ending the 57-year reign of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) as the nation’s chief intelligence officer. Throughout those 57 years, similar reorganization proposals have emerged from inside and outside the intelligence community. Today, the National Security Archive posts a wide range of the reports, studies and commentaries from those years that debated the issue of exactly how much authority should be vested with the DCI. [Link, and scroll to the end of this page to review “The memoranda, directives, letters, and studies below provide documentation of the road that began with attempts to enhance the DCI’s authority and has ended with the creation of a DNI.”

  • From FindLaw, the text (PDF) of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act sent to the President for his signature.
  • Related reference: S. 2845/P.L. 108-45, Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (Dec. 17, 2004; 118 Stat. 3638; 235 pages)
  • Perspectives on Google’s Library Digitization Plan

    A thoughtful and provocative commentary on all the hype surrounding Google’s announcement this week, by Michael Gorman, dean of Library Services, California State University, Fresno, and president-elect of the American Library Association, in today’s Los Angeles Times (reg. req’d). See also this related San Francisco Chronicle article, ‘Googleizing’ libraries won’t replace books. In addition, more… Continue Reading