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Daily Archives: December 7, 2004

Sweeping Intelligence Bill Passed By House

House Approves Intelligence Bill – Landmark Measure Passes by 336 to 75 Vote; Senate to Consider Legislation [Wednesday] – “The House…approved landmark legislation to restructure the nation’s intelligence community, creating a director of national intelligence and counterterrorism center to better coordinate government assets and avert the type of intelligence lapses that occurred prior to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.”

  • Conference Report to Accompany S. 2845 – Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, Legislative Text and Joint Explanatory Statement
  • Massachusetts Pioneers E-Health Records Initiative

    Massachusetts e-Health Collaborative MeHC Incorporated 2004 (11 pages, PDF); “The Mission of the Collaborative is to improve the safety, cost effectiveness, and quality of health care in Massachusetts through the promotion of widespread implementation and use of electronic clinical information systems, including electronic medical records, medical decision support, and clinical data exchange capabilities.” See also… Continue Reading

    Chief Privacy Officers for Each Gov’t Agency

    Thanks to, which has been providing readers with information updates about key portions of the voluminous omnibus appropriations bill (H.R. 4818), we have news that each agency must now appoint a chief privacy officer and implement data protection measures applicable to the collection of website user information. Reference: H.R. 4818/P.L. 108-447 Consolidated Appropriations Act,… Continue Reading