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Daily Archives: November 30, 2004

Federal Judge Dismisses Internet Archive Challenge to Copyright Renewal Act

As a follow-up to my May 7, 2004 posting, Copyright Regulation and Access to Web Document Archives, a link via to a copy of the United States District Court For the Northern District of California decision (26 pages, PDF), November 19, 2004, BREWSTER KAHLE, et al., Plaintiffs, JOHN ASHCROFT, in his official capacity as Attorney General of the United States, Defendant. No. C-04-1127 MMC.

  • Update: Fight for Public Domain Goes On
  • Recently Declassified Presidential Papers Shed Light on Fight to Secure Open Access to Gov’t Docs.

    For those interested in the FOIA, this National Security Archive resource, Veto Battle 30 Years Ago Set Freedom of Information Norms, provides access to previously classified information, as well as documenting the political hurdles to, and historical milestones and government references about this pivotal legislation. Related reference: please see this Washington Post obituary on Ronald… Continue Reading

    Federal Gov’t Wants To Mine College and University Student Data

    According to articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education, the New York Times and the Boston Globe, the National Center for Education Statistics (part of the Dept. of Education) is investigating a new system to significantly broaden the collection of personal data on college and university students beyond the scope of information related to financial… Continue Reading

    New Non-Partisan PAC on IP Launched Online

    This Wired article profiles the recently launchedIPac, whose mission is described as follows: “We believe that technological innovation and individual creativity are vital to the future of this country. We believe that a prosperous and democratic society depends on freedom for all individuals to pursue scientific invention and artistic expression. Unfortunately, new intellectual property laws… Continue Reading