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Monthly Archives: October 2004

Formation of Gov’t Commission on Health IT Standards

“The CIO of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation is among the health-industry executives named to an 11-member federal commission to help the nation develop and implement health-IT standards that will serve as the foundation for establishing a system for universal electronic health records.” [Link] Reference: House Rpt. 108-391 – Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act… Continue Reading

House Gives Overwhelming Approval to Spy Act

The SPY Act, H.R. 2929, To protect users of the Internet from unknowing transmission of their personally identifiable information through spyware programs, and for other purposes, was approved today by the House. See the accompanying House Report 108-619. See also this related posting, Spy Act Receives Strong Endorsement from House Cmte, the Software Principles Yielding… Continue Reading

CRS Updates Report on Data Quality

CRS Report, The Information Quality Act: OMB’s Guidance and Initial Implementation, Updated September 17, 2004. “In December 2000, Congress passed and the President signed the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (P. L. 106-554). Section 515 of that more than 700-page bill has subsequently been referred to as the “Data Quality… Continue Reading

Recruiters and Job Seekers Turn to Blogs

From the New York Times, Need a New Job? Check Out a Blog. “Job seekers use blogs to establish a strong online presence, display their skills and advertise their availability…Corporate recruiters, in turn, use blogs to draw in qualified candidates, and they search for potential hires by reading bloggers who write about topics relevant to… Continue Reading

First State Gov’t Digital Archives Launched by Washington State

From the website: “The much-anticipated grand opening of America’s first state government digital archives occurred on October 4, 2004…The Washington State Digital Archives is the nation’s first archives dedicated specifically to the preservation of electronic records from both State and Local agencies that have permanent legal, fiscal or historical value.” Three search features are available… Continue Reading

GAO Report on Implementation of HIPAA Privacy Rule

Health Information: First-Year Experiences under the Federal Privacy Rule, GAO-04-965, September 3, 2004, Highlights (both documents in PDF). “Consumer and provider representatives contend that the general public is not well informed about their rights under the Privacy Rule. According to these organizations, patients may not understand the privacy notices they receive, or do not focus… Continue Reading

DHS OIG Assessment on Terror Watch List

Department of Home Security, Office of Inspector General, Office of Technology report: DHS Challenges in Consolidating Terrorist Watch List Information (54 pages, PDF, redacted). “DHS is not playing a lead role in consolidating terrorist watch list information…DHS offcials said that the new department lacked the resources and infrastructure to assume leadership for the consolidation…Effective use… Continue Reading

Foreign Intelligence Gathering and the Challenges of Info Overload

“In a report issued jointly by the Center for Democracy & Technology and the Heritage Foundation, National Security Agency Inspector General Joel Brenner proposes ten practical principles that should be applied to the human and technical aspects of information systems in order to balance privacy and national security.” [From the Center for Democracy and Technology]… Continue Reading