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Monthly Archives: October 2004

National Security Archive Seeks Release of Iraq National Intelligence Estimate

From the press release: “The National Security Archive today filed suit against the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”) seeking the expedited processing and release under the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) of the 2004 Iraq National Intelligence Estimate (“NIE). As the New York Times reported on September 16, 2004, the NIE spells out a dark assessment… Continue Reading

GAO Evaluates IT Applications Supporting Homeland Security

Information Technology: Major Federal Networks That Support Homeland Security Functions GAO-04-375, September 17, 2004. Highlights. “Nine agencies identified 34 major networks that support homeland security functions— 32 that are operational and 2 that are being developed… Of these 34, 21 are single-agency networks designed for internal agency communications. Six of the 34 are used to… Continue Reading

Peer-Reviewed Open Source Medical Journal Now Available on Web

From the press release: “A new general medical journal launched this week with a non-traditional publishing model is the latest top-tier venue for publishing important, peer-reviewed biomedical research, and is being called the first major, international journal to be introduced in more than 70 years. Unlike most medical journals which are available only through costly… Continue Reading

Commentary on Gov’t Air Passenger Surveillance Program

By Jim Harper, Director of Information Policy Studies, CATO Institute, this article from the San Francisco Chronicle, Surveillance and the War on Terrorism, What’s in a name?, reviews the cycle of name changes associated with the government’s air passenger surveillance database program. Related news from the Washington Post, via MSNBC, With an ever-expanding “no fly”… Continue Reading

E-Voting Machine Manufacturer to Pay Damages for DMCA Violation

Press release: “The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) capped its historic victory in a copyright abuse case against electronic voting machine manufacturer Diebold today. The corporation agreed to pay $125,000 in damages and fees…Diebold is the first company to be held liable for violating section 512(f) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which makes it… Continue Reading

National Annenberg Election Survey

“National Annenberg Election Survey of 2000 was the largest academic election poll ever conducted, and the 2004 survey will match it in size, with a total of about 100,000 interviews. Polling began in October, 2003 and will continue until after the election in November 2004. The survey examines a wide range of political attitudes about… Continue Reading