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Daily Archives: October 11, 2004

Google Print Does Not Include OCLC WorldCat Records

As a follow-up to my October 6 posting, Google Launches Feature to Read Book Excerpts and Links to Purchase, from the Library Journal (reg. req’d), Google Goes Inside the Book, But No Link to Libraries. At this time, Google is not indexing OCLC’s Open WorldCat program records as part of their new service, and indicates no future plans to do so.

  • Related news: from Barbara Quint, All of OCLC’s WorldCat Heading Toward the Open Web, “…the management of OCLC, the world’s largest library vendor, has decided to open the entire collection of 53.3 million items connected to 928.6 million library holdings for “harvesting” by Google and Yahoo! Search.”
  • National Jury Center Website Launched

    Press release: “The American Judicature Society’s National Jury Center has launched a Web site on the jury. The site is designed for use by potential jurors and court administrators, as well as the media, lawyers, judges, researchers, and interested members of the public.” The site includes six topical portals: Choosing Who Serves, Jury Improvement Efforts,… Continue Reading

    State By State Guide for Voters

    From Newsweek, via MSNBC, a state by state voters guide to election 2004. Information provided includes how each state voted in the 2000 election, a brief analysis/projection of the 2004 race (to be updated), number of electoral college votes, whether e-voting is offered, if Nader is on the ballot, absentee ballot information, and population data.… Continue Reading

    ABC News Launches Major Website Redesign

    ABC News unveiled a completely new design for its website, which includes the use of XHTML web publishing standards, and enhanced features for users (such as Flash and RSS). The changes are extensively documented in this posting by Mike Davidson, a consultant on the project. A very interesting read. [via Andy Baio’s Hot Links] Continue Reading

    FOIA Request Yields Release of TSA Terror Watch List Documents

    ACLU press release: “Unprecedented Release of Government Documents Reveal Confusion and Absence of Policy in Implementing No-Fly Lists, ACLU Says.” CNN article: Review: ‘No-fly list’ lacks rules, procedures: “CNN reached those conclusions after receiving more than 300 pages of Transportation Security Administration documents, including memos and interagency e-mail.” Links to the No-Fly List filing, and… Continue Reading

    Non-Partisan Election Guide Focuses on Family Related Issues

    “In an effort to inform voters where major presidential candidates stand on family-relevant issues, family policy doctoral students in the Department of Family Studies at the University of Maryland compiled this family issues voting guide. We present an objective, non-partisan collection of information comparing candidates on important family policies. Readers will find this a useful… Continue Reading