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Monthly Archives: September 2004

Browsing Selected Congressional Documents From 1995 to Present Via GPO

“The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is pleased to announce a new browse feature on the GPO Access Congressional Documents Web pages. In our continuing effort to increase the accessibility of the resources available on GPO Access, users can now browse the catalog of House, Senate and Treaty documents, by Congress, beginning with the 104th… Continue Reading

Proposal to Expand Free Electronic Access to All Research Funded By NIH

Notice: Enhanced Public Access to NIH Research Information, September 3, 2004: “This notice is to announce and to seek public comments regarding NIH’s plans to facilitate enhanced public access to NIH health related research information. NIH intends to request that its grantees and supported Principal Investigators provide the NIH with electronic copies of all final… Continue Reading

Bipartisan Senate Bill Responding to 9/11 Recommendations

Press release today from Sen. Joe Lieberman: “In an effort to fortify the nation’s homeland and national security, a bipartisan group of Senators Tuesday introduced legislation to implement recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission in July. The 280-page omnibus legislation covers subjects ranging from intelligence reform, border and transportation security, information sharing and outreach to… Continue Reading

GAO Legal Opinion on Actions by Former Medicare Chief

From the press release issued today by Sen. Frank Lautenberg: “In a report requested by Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), the Government Accountability Office issued a ruling today (PDF, 13 pages) finding that former CMS Administrator Tom Scully illegally ordered his staff to withhold information from Congress. The Department of Health and Human Services has… Continue Reading

PR Plan to Boost Citizen Use of E-Gov Sources

According to Federal Computer Week, a PR firm has received a contract to revamp 10 e-gov websites, beginning with the underutilized sites Recreation One-Stop, e-Authentication and International Trade Process Streamlining. Related references as follows: The Official Web Site of the President’s E-Government Initiatives GAO Report: Electronic Government: Planned e-Authentication Gateway Faces Formidable Development Challenges New… Continue Reading

FirstGov Announces National Preparedness Month

“September is National Preparedness Month. Throughout the month, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, American Red Cross, the America Prepared Campaign, the National Association of Broadcasters, the U.S. Department of Education and other partners, will host a series of events to highlight the importance of citizen emergency preparedness.” [Link] Continue Reading

OCLC Research Publications Repository Provides Searchable Interface

“This repository contains metadata for works by and about OCLC Research and, whenever possible, links to full text. The repository is under construction; it contains current publications back to 2001, all “born digital” publications, and at least 40% of OCLC Research’s corpus of work. A complete bibliography is available at In addition to online… Continue Reading