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Monthly Archives: September 2004

Pennsylvania Website Blocking Law Struck Down By Federal Court

From the Center for Democracy and Technology: “A Pennsylvania federal court today struck down a state Internet censorship law as a violation of the First Amendment. CDT had challenged the law because it had resulted in the blocking of more than a million innocent web sites.” Memorandum Decision in Pennsylvania Internet Blocking Law Case (11… Continue Reading

Review of National Security Surveillance

The System of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Law: “In 2003, for the first time, more wiretap orders were issued in the United States under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) than for all law enforcement actions. This Article provides a thorough analysis of the history and theory of the U.S. system of foreign intelligence… Continue Reading

Chicago to Implement Extensive Camera Surveillance Network

Mayor Daley Announces Plans For Unified Camera Network: “Mayor Richard M. Daley and City department heads today announced plans to expand the City’s camera network and surveillance capacity with 250 additional specialized cameras….By saturating critical infrastructure and high-risk areas with surveillance technology, the City can deter criminal activity and immediately identify and respond to emergencies.”… Continue Reading

9/11 Commission Recommended Expanded Transportation Security Measures

In a 19 page report released to Congress this week, the 9/11 Commission staff, whose work concluded on August 21, made recommendations to increase transportation security beyond the air passenger “no fly list” by creating a “no-transport” list to address other forms of travel, including trains, buses and cruise ships. See this LA Times article… Continue Reading

Commentary on the 9/11 Commission Report

From the New York Review of Books, this article by Elizabeth Drew, Pinning the Blame: “The seventeen reports [interim reports of the committee] provided factual material for the commission’s open hearings and for the final report itself, and helped the commission bring to light new evidence—from the government, the families, and others.” Final Report of… Continue Reading

Anti-Piracy and Spyware Protection Bills Awaiting House Vote

From Reuters, news that two bills have been ordered reported by the House Judiciary Committee: H.R. 4077, the Piracy Deterrence and Education Act of 2004, To enhance criminal enforcement of the copyright laws, to educate the public about the application of copyright law to the Internet, and for other purposes. H.R. 4661, the Internet Spyware… Continue Reading

Congrats to ResearchBuzz

Tara Calishain writes: “On Thursday, September 9, ResearchBuzz celebrates its 300th issue. Since October 1998 ResearchBuzz has been providing weekly pointers and commentary to online research resources.” Readers may choose from several features available to read her terrific content, including through categories or by date. Also not to be missed, Tara’s new book, Web Search… Continue Reading