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Monthly Archives: September 2004

Senate Passes Amendment Requiring Gov’t Data Mining Report

“Federal agencies that collect personal and other information on American citizens would be required to report on those activities to Congress as part of a proposal coauthored by Senators Russell Feingold (D-Wisc.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) that has passed the U.S. Senate.” [Link] See H.R. 4567, Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for… Continue Reading

Conference Addresses Global Impact of Cybercrime

Council of Europe Cybercrime Conference: “Surveys prepared for the conference show that cybercrime is the fastest growing type of crime world-wide, with criminals adapting their methods to modern society, and creating networks that are harder for the police to crack.” Summary of the Organised crime situation report 2004 – Focus on the threat of cybercrime… Continue Reading

Transportation Procedures on Sensitive Security Information Cause Congressional Concern

Lawmakers question policy on transportation security information Lawmakers letter dated September 14, to the Government Accountability Office, on Sensitive Security Information (SSI). Related reference: CRS Report, – Sensitive Security Information and Transportation Security: Issues and Congressional Options, June 9, 2004. Continue Reading

GAO Highlights Critical Role of Leadership For Homeland Security Efforts

Intelligence Reform: Human Capital Considerations Critical to 9/11 Commission’s Proposed Reforms GAO-04-1084T, September 14, 2004. Highlights-PDF. “Recognizing that people are the critical element in transformation initiatives is key to a successful transformation of the intelligence community and related homeland security organizations.” Continue Reading

OMB Watch Releases Report on Administration’s Regulatory Record

Non-profit advocacy group OMB Watch today issued a report documenting the administration’s record on regulatory issues that include health, safety and the environment. [thanks to DC] “In this analysis, we looked at four agencies that are particularly important to the public interest: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National… Continue Reading

Regulating Internet Content

Internet Points of Control, by Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard Law School, Public Law Working Paper No. 54 , Boston College Law Review, Forthcoming [Link to abstract] “Early efforts to control the Internet have targeted the endpoints of the network – the sources and recipients of objectionable material – and to some extent the intermediaries who host… Continue Reading

Report on Open Government Laws

A new report prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman “analyzes how the Administration has implemented each of our nation’s major open government laws (the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Presidential Records Act, and the Federal Advisory Committee Act).” Report Table of Contents (Full Report, 90 pages, PDF) Secrecy in the Bush Administration Related legislation… Continue Reading