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Monthly Archives: September 2004

Ask Jeeves Adds Enhanced Local Search and Personalization Features

From their press release today: “The new products include the MyJeeves personal search system, robust local search, and the next generation of its proprietary Teoma search technology…Through a partnership with Citysearch announced in August, Ask Jeeves users now have access to comprehensive local business listings and data, including over 2 million editorial and user reviews… Continue Reading

TSA Requests Air Passenger Data From Carriers to Test New Security Program

From the press release today: “The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) today announced the release of the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for the testing phase of the Secure Flight program along with a proposed order to airlines to provide one month’s worth of Passenger Name Records (PNR) data to be used for program testing. The PIA… Continue Reading

Members of 9/11 Commission Continue Work Through Non-Profit Organization

9/11 Panel Members Form Group to Press Recommendations See the 9/11 Discourse Project: “The ten members of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (known as the 9-11 Commission) have initiated a nationwide public education campaign for the purpose of making America safer and more secure. In so doing, the commissioners will… Continue Reading

Welcome to the World of E-Voting

Ready or Not (and Maybe Not), Electronic Voting Goes National “Just over six weeks before the nation holds the first general election in which touch-screen voting will play a major role, specialists agree that whatever the remaining questions about the technology’s readiness, it is now too late to make any significant changes.” Related reference from… Continue Reading

New E-Gov Webite ToolKit Previewed

From the press release: “, Uncle Sam’s most successful federal Web site, provided a sneak preview of an online toolkit that will enable all federal agencies to replicate the success of this award- winning site… The kit will guide federal Web managers as they design U.S. government Web sites to be the most citizen-focused… Continue Reading