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Daily Archives: September 15, 2004

Transportation Procedures on Sensitive Security Information Cause Congressional Concern

Lawmakers question policy on transportation security information

  • Lawmakers letter dated September 14, to the Government Accountability Office, on Sensitive Security Information (SSI).
  • Related reference: CRS Report, – Sensitive Security Information and Transportation Security: Issues and Congressional Options, June 9, 2004.
  • GAO Highlights Critical Role of Leadership For Homeland Security Efforts

    Intelligence Reform: Human Capital Considerations Critical to 9/11 Commission’s Proposed Reforms GAO-04-1084T, September 14, 2004. Highlights-PDF. “Recognizing that people are the critical element in transformation initiatives is key to a successful transformation of the intelligence community and related homeland security organizations.” Continue Reading

    OMB Watch Releases Report on Administration’s Regulatory Record

    Non-profit advocacy group OMB Watch today issued a report documenting the administration’s record on regulatory issues that include health, safety and the environment. [thanks to DC] “In this analysis, we looked at four agencies that are particularly important to the public interest: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National… Continue Reading