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Daily Archives: September 14, 2004

Regulating Internet Content

Internet Points of Control, by Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard Law School, Public Law Working Paper No. 54 , Boston College Law Review, Forthcoming [Link to abstract]

  • “Early efforts to control the Internet have targeted the endpoints of the network – the sources and recipients of objectionable material – and to some extent the intermediaries who host others’ content. Recently attention has shifted to intermediaries near would-be recipients of content.”
  • Related resource, Pennsylvania Website Blocking Law Struck Down By Federal Court
  • Report on Open Government Laws

    A new report prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman “analyzes how the Administration has implemented each of our nation’s major open government laws (the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Presidential Records Act, and the Federal Advisory Committee Act).” Report Table of Contents (Full Report, 90 pages, PDF) Secrecy in the Bush Administration Related legislation… Continue Reading

    Ninth Circuit Allows Passenger ID Case to Proceed In Public

    From the EFF press release: “The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected the government’s attempt to bar the press and the public from a trial where plaintiff John Gilmore is challenging the constitutionality of requiring airline passengers to show ID.” Gilmore v. Ashcroft: Requirement to Show ID for Ground and Air Transport EFF friend-of-the-court… Continue Reading