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Monthly Archives: August 2004

Maryland Citizens and Advocacy Groups Seek to Decertify E-Voting Machines

“Lawyers representing eight Maryland citizens today filed a petition with the state supreme court seeking to decertify or fix Diebold voting machines that computer security experts have deemed insecure. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), working with over a dozen organizations concerned with voting integrity, has filed a friend of the court brief (PDF, 20 pages)… Continue Reading

Report Highlights Improvements in Gov’t IT Security

“The Federal Government Is Results Oriented; A Report to Federal Employees,” the Office of Management and Budget, August 9, 2004: “The Federal Government is managing its IT more professionally as a resource for improving results. Seventy percent of the Federal Government’s IT systems are secure, versus 26 percent three years ago; so there is greater… Continue Reading

Google and Yahoo Settle Patent Dispute

Yahoo! and Google Resolve Disputes: “Under the terms of the settlement agreement, Google will take a license to U.S. Patent No. 6,269,361 and several related patents, held by Yahoo!’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Overture, and Yahoo! dismissed its patent lawsuit against Google. The two parties have also resolved a dispute regarding shares issuable to Yahoo! pursuant to… Continue Reading

ACLU Report on Gov’t Data Mining

ACLU press release today: “The release of the 38-page report, entitled The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: How the American Government is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society, marks the launch of the ACLU’s Surveillance Campaign, which is designed to regain consumers’ personal privacy rights by mobilizing people to contact prominent companies –… Continue Reading

Metasearch Engine For Medical Data [via reviews by ResearchBuzz and SearchEngine Watch]: Features: using the drop-down menu, users may choose to search one or all of the 15 indexed medical search engines, and may choose either the MedPro option (“primarily for medical professionals”) or the Basic option (“customized for the general public”). In addition, users may search one or… Continue Reading

Open Access to Scientific Publications the Focus of Congressional Action

From UPI: “Congress is moving to force a shift to “open access,” a form of free-to-consumer publishing, for scientific papers. The move angers commercial publishers, who see their livelihoods threatened, and scares scientific societies, who are afraid they will face revenue losses or new costs they cannot afford. Even librarians, who pushed for the move,… Continue Reading