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Monthly Archives: August 2004

GAO Addresses Barriers to E-Health Records

HHS’s Efforts to Promote Health Information Technology and Legal Barriers to Its Adoption, GAO-04-991R, (PDF, 64 pages) August 13, 2004: “Technologies such as electronic health records (EHR) and bar coding of certain human drug and biological product labels have been shown to save money and reduce medical errors. However, only a small number of U.S.… Continue Reading

Trend Toward Open Access to Scholarly Scientific Publications

From, Internet publishing attracting academics: “…the factors driving the shift to so-called open-access journals, including the reach and power of the Internet, rising subscription prices, and pressure from patients, are forcing changes in the world of scientific publishing. Universities are rebelling against rising subscription costs, as scientists chafe at paying for access to research… Continue Reading