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Monthly Archives: August 2004

DOJ’s Criminal Enforcement Actions Against P2P Copyright Piracy

Prepared Statement of Attorney General John Ashcroft – Digital Gridlock, Wednesday, August 25, 2004: “The protection of America’s intellectual property is a priority for the Department of Justice. In March of this year, I announced the creation of an Intellectual Property Task Force to examine how the Department can better protect the innovative and creative… Continue Reading

Trial Technology

Anatomy Of Trial Technology: “Trial technologies are all the buzz for legal technologists, early adopters, vendors, and consultants – but have they made it to the main stream practice of law? This article traces availability and use of trial preparation and presentation software, court technology, and more through the most recent ABA Legal Technology Survey… Continue Reading

Searchable Database on Social and Economic Data from House Cmte. on Ways & Means

The 2004 Green Book (WMCP 108-6) of the House Ways and Means Committee available to search and browse in the Ways and Means Committee Prints. “The House Ways and Means Committee Green Book provides program descriptions and historical data on a wide variety of social and economic topics, including Social Security, employment, earnings, welfare, child… Continue Reading

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Are You Ready to Blog? Metaforix@Health: Free Online Resources for Public Library Users: Texas and New York Notes from the Technology Trenches: How Permanent Is That Storage? CRM At Law Firms: What to Tackle Second After Hours: Fall Festivals FOIA Facts: Why Backlogs Matter Wisdom From the Grammar Goddess: My Pet Peeves Burney’s Gadgets for… Continue Reading