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Monthly Archives: July 2004

NY AG Settles Case With Spammer

From the press release today: “State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer today announced the settlement of a lawsuit against email marketer Scott Richter and his company,, LLC. The suit alleged that unsolicited emails, or spam, sent on defendants’ behalf contained falsified headers, falsified routing information, and deceptive subject lines, and were illegally routed through a… Continue Reading

Campaigns Will Closely Monitor Voting Irregularities

Kerry Building Legal Network for Vote Fights: both parties are implemeting legal strategies in anticipation of a possible recount in the November election. Related information: for links to “comprehensive databases on more than 40,000 candidates and incumbents,” see Project Vote Smart. And for a unique perspective of campaigns at the local level, here is a… Continue Reading

E-Voting Blocked In Ohio

Press release, July 16, 2004: Blackwell Halts Deployment Of Diebold Voting Machines For 2004: “Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell today halted deployment of Diebold Election Systems’ electronic voting devices in Ohio for the 2004 General Election. The decision is based on preliminary findings from the secretary of state’s second round of security testing… Continue Reading

CAPPS II Program Will Live Again?

There appears to be contradictory information concerning the demise of the CAPPS II program. A Federal Computer Week article clearly shows how DHS and TSA have reached different conclusions as to whether the program will indeed continue. To make the situation even more confusing, here is an article from Wired today, The Man Who Helped… Continue Reading

TIME Reports on Commission Info Linking Iran and al-Qaeda

This article from TIME states that the 9/11 Commission’s upcoming final report will provide information linking Iran with Al Qaeda. In addition, CNN reports that the Commission’s report will be approximately 600 pages, with the text subject to review and redaction by the White House. This Washington Post article states that the report (available for… Continue Reading

Testimony on RFID Tagging of Consumer Items

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology: What the Future Holds for Commerce, Security, and the Consumer, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, July 14, 2004. From Computer World, this article details opposing testimony and statements from industry, privacy advocates and legislators concerning the impact of RFID on consumer privacy. Continue Reading