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Monthly Archives: July 2004

Bloggers and the DNC

Bloggers Offer Inside View of Convention Web Diarists Are Now Official Members of Convention Press Corps Blogging Against Convention A Guide to Following Weblogs During the Conventions From the WSJ, this free feature profiles 30 credentialed bloggers at the DNC in Boston, including librarian Jessamyn West. Related news: The Empire Blogs Back Continue Reading

NIH Launches Database of Legal Materials on Human Genome Research

National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Policy and Legislation Database: “This database contains Federal and State laws/statutes; Federal legislative materials; and Federal administrative and executive materials, including regulations, institutional policies, and executive orders. The database currently focuses on the following subject areas: privacy of genetic information/confidentiality; informed consent; insurance and employment discrimination; genetic testing and… Continue Reading

Lost and Found Military Records

Pentagon Finds Bush’s Guard Records. This AP article states that the records located do not provide any information about the President’s whereabouts the summer of 1973. In June, AP filed a FOIA lawsuit to obtain copies of all the President’s service records. From the article: “Previous attempts to locate the missing records at the Federal… Continue Reading

GAO Weighs In on E-Voting

Elections: Electronic Voting Offers Opportunities and Presents Challenges GAO-04-975T, July 20, 2004. “ recording electronic systems offer advantages in ease of use because they can have features that accommodate voters with various disabilities, and they protect against common voter errors, such as overvoting (voting for more candidates than is permissible); a disadvantage of such systems… Continue Reading