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Monthly Archives: July 2004

GAO Makes Recommendations for Digital Future of GPO

Government Printing Office: Actions to Strengthen and Sustain GPO’s Transformation, GAO-04-830, June 30, 2004, Highlights: “Federal government printing and dissemination are changing due to the underlying changes to the technological environment…Federal agencies are publishing more documents directly to the Web and are doing more of their printing and dissemination of information without using GPO services.… Continue Reading

NY State Authorizes Expansion of DNA Database

From the press release: “Governor Pataki, Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno and Speaker Sheldon Silver today announced that they have reached agreement on legislation that will expand the use of the State’s DNA databank and enhance New York’s status as a national leader in the use of DNA technology. The agreed upon legislation will… Continue Reading

National Archives Limits Public Access to Records

From the Federal Register, June 20, 2004, National Archives and Records Administration, Public availability and use: Federal records and donated historical materials containing restricted information; access restrictions: “NARA is revising its regulations on access to Federal records and donated historical materials containing restricted information. This rule entirely rewrites and reorganizes this portion of NARA’s regulations… Continue Reading