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Daily Archives: July 8, 2004

Maryland County Considers Regulating Cable Modem Service

This article from yesterday’s Washington Post (reg. req’d, articles archived 14 days after publication) reviews the pioneering proposal under consideration by the Montgomery County Council to regulate service standards for cable service providers.

  • See also this Council press release dated July 7: “Montgomery County is about to be the first local jurisdiction to put in place customer service standards for companies that provide cable modem service…..These standards will protect cable modem customers by requiring companies to address problems in a timely fashion – or face penalties.”
  • House Complies In Response to White House Threat to Veto Restrictions to Patriot Act

    Statements of Administration Policy (July 7, 2004) H.R. 4754, Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 2005 [Link, 3 pages, PDF] “If legislation were presented to the President that includes any provision that forces the courts to allow notice to criminal suspects before a search warrant is executed,… Continue Reading