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Monthly Archives: June 2004

More Anti-Spyware Legislation

From the press release by Zoe Lofgren (CA 16): “Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA-16), Bob Goodlatte (R-VA-06), and Lamar Smith (R-TX-21) today introduced bipartisan legislation to address the most egregious activities that are conducted via spyware and make those activities criminal offenses. HR 4661, the Internet Spyware (I-SPY) Prevention Act of 2004, will be referred to… Continue Reading

Supreme Ct. Sends Energy Task Force Case Back to Lower Court

Press release from National Security Archive: “The United States Supreme Court today remanded to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals a case concerning the application of a federal open government law to the Energy Task Force chaired by Vice President Cheney in 2001.” From the National Resources Defense Council, The Cheney Energy Task Force –… Continue Reading

New on

New on for June 21, 2004: A Selective Guide to Online International Arbitration Resources UK Constitutional Reform Notes from the Tech Trenches: Spicy Handouts for Tastier Training FOIA Facts: Ronald Reagan’s FOIA Legacy Wisdom from the Grammar Goddess: Breaking the Spell After Hours: Travel Tip, Book It! and Time Travel Tickets, Part II (Old-Fashioned… Continue Reading

Industry Anti-Spam Alliance Issues Report on Best Practices

Anti-Spam Technical Alliance Publishes Industry Recommendations To Help Stop Spam: “The Anti-Spam Technical Alliance (ASTA), whose participants include Yahoo! Inc., Microsoft Corp., EarthLink and America Online Inc., today unveiled the result of more than a year of close collaboration by presenting a host of detailed best practices and technical recommendations for the entire industry in… Continue Reading

More Disclosures on TSA Passenger Data Mining Activities

Press release: Sensitive passenger data from at least eight airlines and airline reservation services were given to contractors working on a computerized screening program, according to new information provided in response to written questions posed to Admiral David Stone, who has been nominated to be the administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). For reference,… Continue Reading

Arrests in Stolen AOL Screen Names Scam

AP reports that an ex-AOL software engineer allegedly stole a list of 92 million customer screen names (online identification/user names) last year, which he then sold, and the information was subsequently used in various spam related mass emailings, in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act. See the related press release by AOL, which states, “AOL has… Continue Reading

Launch of Personal Technology Freedom Coalition

From the EFF press release: “A broad group of organizations and companies representing diverse sectors of the U.S. economy has come together to form a new organization, the Personal Technology Freedom Coalition. With members ranging from the telephone industry to high-tech firms, libraries, universities and the public-interest sector, the Coalition is committed to repairing recent… Continue Reading