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Monthly Archives: June 2004

New York Times Expands RSS Feeds

The New York Times is now providing 28 topical RSS feeds. Examples include Campaign 2004, Circuits, Home Page, Technology, and Week in Review. Related resource: From, News on Demand – Tired of browsing around the Web for timely information? RSS readers deliver exactly the news you need–fast. Continue Reading

New Pew Internet Memo on VoIP

New research by the Pew Internet & American Life Project and the New Millennium Research Project “shows that 27% of Internet users have heard of Voice over Internet Protocol phone calling, and 13% of that population have considered adopting VoIP in the home. This translates into 34 million Americans who have heard of VoIP and… Continue Reading

Gov’t Cmte. Established to Develop Voluntary Voting System Guidelines

See today’s Federal Register: “the U.S. Election Assistance Commission hereby establishes the Technical Guidelines Development Committee…to assist the Executive Director of the Commission in the development of the voluntary voting system guidelines..” Related news: E-Voting Problems Expected, “Even new law setting standards won’t ensure bug-free digital elections this fall, Congress is warned.” Continue Reading

Study Released Today Rates How Sites Respect Customers

The 2004 Online Customer Respect Study of the Top 100 U. S. Companies ($$) evaluates “corporate performance from an online customer’s perspective,” according to the aggregate ratings for the following criteria: ease of navigation, quick and thorough responses to inquiries, respecting customer privacy, open and honest policies, values and respecting customer data. The top five… Continue Reading

2004 State of the First Amendment Survey

“The State of the First Amendment survey, released by the First Amendment Center each year, is a reality check on how Americans view their first freedoms of speech, press, assembly, religion and petition. The survey (PDF, 16 pages), conducted annually since 1997 by the Center for Survey Research & Analysis at the University of Connecticut,… Continue Reading

Spy Act Receives Strong Endorsement from House Cmte.

H.R. 2929, the Safeguard Against Privacy Invasions Act or Spy Act, was approved by the Committee on Energy and Commerce, 45-4, on June 24. Declan McCullagh highlights the latest amendments to the bill: “Network providers may use monitoring software to guard against network security and fraud; software vendors may choose from certain specific notices when… Continue Reading