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Daily Archives: June 29, 2004

New Report Recommends Solutions to Secure E-Voting in Upcoming Elections

From the press release: “To increase security and improve public confidence in the voting process, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR) and the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law (BC) today released a new report providing specific recommendations for elections officials planning to use electronic voting machines in the 2004 elections.”

  • See Recommendations for Improving Reliability of Direct Recording Electronic Voting Systems (14 pages, PDF)
  • HHS Determines How Federal Scientists Participate in World Health Arena

    From the Cmte. on Government Reform, Minority Office HHS Restricts Communications between U.S. Scientists and WHO Officials: “A new HHS policy requires the World Health Organization to submit all requests for expert scientific advice to political officials at HHS who pick which federal scientists will be permitted to respond. Letter to HHS on International AIDS… Continue Reading

    Database on Foreign Lobbyists Cannot Be Archived Due to Deterioration

    Foreign Lobbyist Database Could Vanish – “Justice Department officials say a huge database that serves as the public’s lone window on lobbying activities by foreign governments has been allowed to decay to a point they cannot even make a copy of its contents.” Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA), Counterespionage Section From AP, DOJ: Our Computer… Continue Reading

    Supreme Court Rules Against Child Online Protection Act

    In a 5-4 decision today (Ashcroft v. ACLU), the Supreme Court held that “The Third Circuit was correct to affirm the District Court’s ruling that enforcement of COPA (Pub. Law 105-277) should be enjoined because the statute likely violates the First Amendment.” For additional documentation and commentary on this case, see the following references: Ashcroft… Continue Reading

    New York Times Expands RSS Feeds

    The New York Times is now providing 28 topical RSS feeds. Examples include Campaign 2004, Circuits, Home Page, Technology, and Week in Review. Related resource: From, News on Demand – Tired of browsing around the Web for timely information? RSS readers deliver exactly the news you need–fast. Continue Reading